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Roof Repair vs Roof Replacement vs Roof Rejuvenation

When it comes to an aging roof, most homeowners are faced with two options: roof repair or roof replacement. Both come with their own benefits and drawbacks, making it important to weigh the pros and cons of each before making a final decision. In today’s blog post from Guaranteed Roof, a local roofing company in Atlanta, we are going to discuss both roof repair and roof replacement, as well as another alternative: roof rejuvenation. Read on to learn more!

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man repairing roof

Roof Repair

Roof repair is typically the less expensive option when compared to roof replacement. It’s often used to fix minor damage, such as a few missing shingles or small leaks. It is an ideal solution for homeowners who want to keep their roof in good condition without having to invest in a complete replacement. However, roof repair is not suitable for more extensive damage, such as when the roof has been severely damaged by hail or wind.

crew replacing roof

Roof Replacement

Roof replacement, on the other hand, involves completely removing the old roof and replacing it with a new one. This option is more expensive than repair, but until recently, it was the best solution for roofs that have been severely damaged or are aging. Additionally, a new roof can also help to enhance the home's curb appeal and improve its energy efficiency.

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Roof Rejuvenation

Recently, a new alternative to full roof replacement has become available to homeowners: roof rejuvenation. This process utilizes specialized products and techniques to restore the appearance and structural integrity of an aging roof. This process is much more affordable than a full replacement, and it does not require the removal of the old roof. The roof rejuvenation process is quick and easy, and is often completed in just one day.

man spraying roof

How Roof Rejuvenation Works

At Guaranteed Roof, we utilize Roof Maxx, a patented roof rejuvenation technology. During this process, we apply a plant-based oil to the roof shingles, which penetrates the asphalt shingles and replaces the old, dried-out petrochemical oil. This results in a roof that can stand up to changing temperatures and extreme weather just as well as a new roof — at a fraction of the cost and taking much less time to complete. Regular applications of Roof Maxx, once every five years, can extend the life of a roof by up to 15 years.

Learn More About Roof Rejuvenation

Are you looking for a cost-effective alternative to roof replacement that will keep your home safe from the elements for years to come? Look no further than the roof rejuvenation services from Guaranteed Roof, your local roofing company in Atlanta. Reach out to our team today to learn more about roof rejuvenation.

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